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The City of Waynesboro has elected to have the State manage building inspections. Building Permits and inspections issued by the State of Tennessee are required. A building Inspection Summary follows:
Residential Permits
The State Residential Building Code Enforcement Program applies to one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses in areas of the state that have not: 1) received an exemption from the State Fire Marshal's Office by having local building codes enforced by the local government, or 2) opted out of state residential building codes and enforcement by a 2/3 vote of the city or county's legislative body. View a list of municipalities and counties where a state residential permit is required.
The state has adopted the 2009 International Residential Code (IRC) and the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Fire sprinkler systems are not required in one- and two-family dwellings or townhouses. However, since townhouses are not required to be sprinkled, they are required to be separated by 2 hour fire walls. Effective October 1, 2011, additions over 30 square feet to existing homes will require a permit. The existing home will not be required to be brought up to code; however, the addition must meet code. A state residential building permit is not required for detached garages, sheds, barns or other detached structures that are not used for living purposes.
A building permit must be purchased online or at a local Issue Agent. The cost of the building permit is based on the estimated cost of construction. A permit is not required for the installation of a manufactured or modular home; however a permit is needed if there will be custom site work that is a part of exiting the home such as a deck, patio or stoop. An additional slab inspection fee must be paid if a building has a slab under a living space that is not a monolithic pour. A monolithic poured slab has the footings poured at the same time as the slab. A slab inspection is not required for garages or unfinished basements.
Inspections are performed by state contracted inspectors. Inspections are performed of the foundation prior to pouring, the framing/rough-in construction and the final construction. Permits purchased on or after October 1, 2011 will have the plumbing and mechanical systems inspected at the rough-in and final inspections. On each project, one free re-inspection may be performed if one of the required inspections is not passed the first time. However, each additional re-inspection will require payment of an additional fee. Inspections are scheduled by calling 1-866-283-6191 and selecting Option 2.
A homeowner may build a home as long as the construction is to be the residence of the homeowner (not to be sold or leased) and the homeowner has not been issued a homeowner building permit for the 24 month period prior to the application. Contractor registration verification will be a part of the permitting process.
For residential construction, you must apply for a Residential Building Permit using one of the following forms:
- Single Family Permit Application
- Site Construction For Manufactured/Modular Single Family Permit Application
- Two Family Permit Application
- Townhome Permit Application
A list of fees for residential building permits is available by visiting the official website for the State of Tennessee by CLICKING HERE. Fees are based on cost of construction, and additional fees prevail based on HVAC/plumbing inspections, and whether the construction is other than slab Monolith Pour.
Always check with Waynesboro City Hall to make sure there are no additional fees.
With approximately 100 contracted Deputy Electrical Inspectors (DEIs) spread across the entire state, this section performs residential, commercial, and industrial electrical inspections of new and existing structures. This section is responsible for enforcing the provisions of the 2008 edition of the National Electric Code and all state laws and rules concerning the conducting, conveying, consumption, or use of electrical energy in, or in connection, with any building, structure, or premises located in this state. Contracted private persons, companies, and governmental entities issue electrical permits at locations throughout most of the state.
For more information on electrical permits and inspections, please contact the Residential/Electrical Contract Inspection section.
For questions regarding the Limited Licensed Electrician license, please contact the Contractor’s Board at (615) 741-8307.
Single Story:
Same as described above except on Slab.
- Minimum Permit Fee - $125.00
- Re-Inspection Fee - $25.00 per inspection
- FOOTING - Inspect footing before concrete is poured.
- STUB OUT - 1st rough plumbing within the gravel before pour of floor slab.
- ROUGH PLUMBING - Piping to appliance locations, vent stack, etc.
- SHEETING - Initial exterior wall coverings and roof decking, if ready
- ROOF - Decking, or final if ready
- BUILDING FINAL - Exterior and finished interior walls, final plumbing, exterior site clean up, windows and doors installed
Minimum Site Visits:
Further Requirements:
- A Plan Review is to be conducted by the City Manager.
- Tax Parcel Map from Property Assessor with building footprint superimposed will be used to determine compliance with zoning ordinances.
- Sketch of front elevation is required.
- Wall, floor and ceiling framing information is also required.
- General plumbing layout will be needed.
Single Story with Basement or Two Story
- FOOTING - Inspect footing before concrete is poured.
- STUB OUT - 1st rough plumbing within the gravel before pour.
- 1st STORY WALL - wall and corresponding footing drainage lines.
- ROUGH PLUMBING - Piping to appliance locations, vent stack, etc.
- SHEETING - Initial exterior wall coverings and roof decking, if ready
- ROOF - Decking, or final if ready
- BUILDING FINAL - Exterior and finished interior walls, final plumbing, exterior site clean up, windows and doors installed
Minimum Site Visits for the following:
- Minimum Permit Fee - $150.00
- Re-Inspection Fee - $25.00 per inspection
Further Requirements:
- A Plan Review is to be conducted by the City Manager.
- Tax Parcel Map from Property Assessor with building footprint superimposed will be used to determine compliance with zoning ordinances.
- Sketch of front elevation is required.
- Wall, floor and ceiling framing information is also required.
- General plumbing layout will be needed.
The penalty for continued non-compliance will be a $50.00 Fine, plus $25.00 Re-Inspection Fee, and no further inspections or Certificate of Occupancy until fine is paid and re-inspection is passed.
Exterior Wall Remodeling (Room additions, changes in numbers and sizes of window/door openings or closures, roof reconstruction (50% or more sheeting or one or more joists/trusses, etc.) (Fee - up to $150, max.- 8 Inspections)
Free Standing Structures greater than 500 square feet (Roofed garages, roofed carports, out buildings built on site, not pre-fabricated, pre-assembled sheds) (Fee - up to $100, max.- 6 Inspections)
- Driveways - $25.00 Fee/one trip
- Interior Remodeling (Policy: If I can't see it from the outside, you don't need a permit.)( as long as no exterior walls are modified, except when land use changes)
- Window/Door Replacement (unless adding or eliminating)
- Re-Roofs (as maintenance not structural re-construction)
- Decks, Fences
- Pre-Constructed Outbuildings
- Heating and Air Conditioning
- Insulation
- Painting
- Siding
- Gutters, Roof Vents, Whirly Birds, Gable Ends
- $10.00 per site visit
Is a vapor barrier installed?
Is the slab reinforced by wire or fiber?
What is PSI design of concrete?
Does footing have rebar?
What are the insulation R-Factors (walls and ceilings)?
Tie down and sewer/water hook up - One Site Visit
Requires certificate from Health Dept re: acceptable sewage disposal
Minimum Permit Fee
Same inspections as the single-family home schedule
Minimum Permit Fee
$100.00 per unit
$25.00 plan review fee
$15.00 plan revision fee, if revisions are required
Full set of design plans are required
Site Plan / Survey
Front and Side Elevation
Floor Layout
Wall Section/Floor Section/Roof Section
Footing/Foundation Section
Same inspections as a residential unit plus a parking lot inspection
Minimum Permit Fee Based on Square Footage
$150.00 per each 5000 square feet
$25.00 plan review fee
$15.00 plan revision fee, if revisions are required
If remodeling does not involve changing the land use of the property then an inspection is not required and permits are not required.
If remodeling does change the land use of the property (i.e. single-family home to multi-family dwelling) then inspections are required with fee structure as follows:
- $50.00 per new unit
- Plan review
- Framing
- Plumbing
- Final
- Two Site Visits - Minimum